Top 7 Outdoor Winter Activities in Guelph

I don’t know about you, but when winter finally settles in, I’m ready to have some fun! If you’re heading outdoors, Guelph’s where the magic happens. I have the inside scoop on some fantastic family winter adventures that will make your winter days unforgettable. Make the most of the chilly season and create memories with any of these my Top 7 Outdoor Winter Activities in Guelph!

2 people saking.
Ice skating. Photo credit: Depositphotos.

1. Ice Skating at Market Square

Head to Market Square for a fun and classic winter activity — ice skating! An outdoor ice rink magically appears during the colder months, and as you glide across the rink under the twinkling lights, you’ll be surrounded by a cozy and lively atmosphere perfect for quality time with your loved ones. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a beginner, this rink is open to all skill levels. It is an excellent opportunity for family bonding and a memorable holiday photo op.

2. Winter Biking in The Arboretum  

For a unique winter experience, try winter biking at The Arboretum. It is a perfect way to watch the scenery while navigating the many nature trails. Although it may initially seem daunting, winter biking is surprisingly easy and fun. The city offers numerous cycling routes suitable for all skill levels. Grab your winter gear and head to the local bike shop, Speed River, for some thick tires to help you safely ride the terrain. Dress warmly and get your family active for a fun and unique experience.

3. Snowboarding Adventures at Glen Eden Conservation Area in Milton

Snowboarder jumping through air with deep blue sky in background
Snowboarding. Photo credit: DepositPhotos.

Are you looking for an adrenaline-packed winter adventure? Check out the nearby Glen Eden Conservation Area for some heart-racing sledding action! Bring your trusty sled and experience the rush of hurtling down the rolling hills. Kids will love the excitement, and who knows—you might catch yourself caught up in the fun too! It’s a surefire way to have a great day outside or tire the kids out!

4. Tobogganing at Centennial Park

If you’re looking for a uniquely Canadian experience, consider tobogganing. The Mole Hill at Centennial Park is a well-known location for this winter pastime. It is an excellent spot to enjoy sliding down the slope while exploring the surrounding trails or taking your furry friend for a walk in the on-site leash-free area.

5. Illuminating Nights at Riverside Park’s Festival of Lights

The atmosphere transforms into a mesmerizing spectacle as dusk descends upon Riverside Park during the Festival of Lights every December. The park becomes aglow with colorful lights, inviting visitors to wander along the illuminated pathways in wonder. This magical display will captivate all ages, leaving you amazed.

6. Cozy Cocoa and Treats at Guelph’s Quaint Cafés

Hot chocolate in cup and on a table.
Hot chocolate. Photo credit: DepositPhotos.

After a thrilling experience outside, there’s nothing quite like sipping some rich hot chocolate and nibbling on tasty treats to warm you up from the inside out! Guelph is home to many cozy cafes that offer the ideal setting for unwinding and warming up. Some of my favorites include Red Brick Cafe, Eric the Baker, and Centurion Coffee. These cozy spots provide a peaceful ambiance where you can savor steaming cups of hot chocolate and mouthwatering delights.

7. Snowy Strolls in Royal City Park

Imagine a serene winter scene: a pristine blanket of snow cloaks the picturesque landscapes of Royal City Park. With laces tied and layers bundled, embrace the crisp air as you explore the park’s winding paths, immersed in nature’s wintry beauty. As you walk through the snow-kissed trees, the Guelph Arboretum presents itself again, offering its captivating trails that create an enchanted setting for unparalleled family photo opportunities and the best ending to a family outing.

Make this winter season enjoyable by creating unforgettable memories with your cherished ones. Plan an exciting getaway, gather all your winter essentials, and indulge in thrilling adventures in Guelph’s winter wonderland.

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